Blog #8 - Important Announcement
Blog Letter/Radio Announcement:
Hello, my name is Jim Whitfield. I am the Pastor of Triangle Christian Center of Raleigh, NC. For those of you who don't know me; I am what you would call a seasoned Word of Faith Pastor/Teacher of more than 40 years in the ministry. I graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center (aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries) in 1978 and have been in full time ministry ever since. I have been used of the Lord to pioneer 4 churches in Kansas and NC. My ministry over the years has also taken me to places like the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa (Kinshasa), San Pedro Sula in Honduras, Jamaica, and as many as 6 times to the nation of El Salvador. Our ministry in these nations was primarily through ministerial conferences such as “Spirit of Faith, Healing, Authority of the Believer, or Five Fold Ministry conferences”. The main emphasis of these conferences was for the advancement and development of the ministry – (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher).
I was born and raised in the eastern NC area. For some time now I have been led of my spirit to return to eastern NC and other areas to be a blessing to the people of my home state. I have been to other countries and seen firsthand the hunger for God and the Word while my people in America seem to be losing their faith and becoming weak. I cannot bear it any longer. While I was in Central America one day preparing for the evening message I heard the Lord say to me, “My people are losing the Spirit of Faith”.
We believe we can bring and be a blessing to you, your city, your church, your ministry, or to any group of believers that are desiring to have more of God. All it takes is knowledge. I have been blessed over the past 40 years with a tremendous amount of knowledge that can be a benefit to you. We believe we can bring revival to you and your area.
Also, by the direction of the Lord, I spent 2 years developing Triangle Bible Institute which is an in depth Ministers Training Course that can develop and mature any believer. It can especially be a benefit and of tremendous value to young ministers and pastors as well as the seasoned ones, also. It is now available online for any individual who so desires or maybe you would desire to establish TBI in your church or ministry today. We can do this now with a minimal amount of effort. And, what is especially good is that I am offering it absolutely free. You can have 2 years of Bible study with audio, syllabus, and master teacher manuals with appropriate testing. I said it was free but I did not say it was cheap! I already have graduates and ordained ministers in El Salvador, Peru, England, as well as here in the states. The churches greatest need is to be taught.
Perhaps you would like for us to come and hold a 6 night “Spirit of Faith” conference in your city or local church. Or, maybe a healing crusade where I can teach you how to get your healing.
I only ask that you pray about it. Tell your Pastor. If interested you can reach us at 919-846-0470 or just shoot us an email at
Thank you and God Bless, Pastor Jim Whitfield