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From My Heart #2

Well - the Virus is coming to an end, Thank God! Many states are now rebelling against the gov’t and the “elite left”. Our concern now is the economy! Because of a bad decision and Trump once again listening to the Deep State, fear, and panic, this shutdown has occurred. Studies now show there is not hardly any difference between a state that has been shut down and one that has not. What does that tell us? One brother sent out a picture of him and his wife with this heading, ”Staying Home and Saving Lives”. I wrote him back and asked, “Curious - How many have you saved so far?” Please remember, “But without faith, it is impossible to please God.” Then James tells us “But faith without corresponding action is dead.” If you say one thing and act differently, that is being Double Minded. He also said to us, “Let not that man think that He shall receive anything of the Lord.” Our motto should be, “Nothing Wavering”. OK, Sunday is Resurrection Day. Have something planned a little different. The message is “Resurrection Benefits”. Whether you are with us or not - Have a great Day worshipping our Lord and Risen Savior, Jesus Christ. If you happen to be a little sad after this message, go back and listen to the song again. Love, PJ and Pat

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